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We are committed to finding the best formulation and dosage delivery solution for every product.

Within Quay Pharma we can provide virtually all of the services required to bring drug products through the various stages of development quickly and cost-effectively.

LPL外围在哪买公司, we are committed to finding the best formation and dosage delivery solution for every product, 是否为新化学实体(NCE), 经典药物或活的生物疗法, to give it the best possible chances of clinical and commercial success.

We have an extensive portfolio of pharmaceutical technologies that allow us to develop formulations that present particular challenges.

补充我们更传统的药品, these allow us to develop novel medications that will be effective in key therapeutic areas, as well as introducing significant performance advantages over existing products. 我们的技术包括:

  • 常规剂型.
  • Drug solubilisation and bioavailability enhancement.
  • 控释和胃肠道靶向.
  • 住Biotherapeutics.

There are many possible reasons why a drug may require modified or targeted release. Some of these are related to the characteristics of the product itself, such as its pharmacodynamic or pharmacokinetic profile and the need to avoid degradation in specific areas of the gastrointestinal tract, or a desire to manage a product’s life cycle in the market. Others arise from clinical considerations like the importance of taking a drug to the precise site in the gut where the release will be most effective or improving patient compliance.

LPL外围在哪买公司, we have world-leading expertise in the science of modified release technologies, and a wealth of experience covering a wide range of modified and targeted release projects. We can provide you with a vast range of options to modify the rate at which an API is released, and for ensuring that it is delivered only to a specific, predetermined site within the gastrointestinal tract. All of the formulations we develop are provided to clients with full Intellectual Property rights, 而且是免版税的.


Enhance systemic delivery by directing the release of the API to specific areas of the small intestine or colon.



Microparticles are suitable for a broad range of drug delivery applications, 而且它们有很多优点.



Beads, pellets, granules or mini-tablets offer enormous flexibility in their drug release profiles.



Coated and uncoated modified release tablets in a wide range of shapes, 大小, 完成和发布配置文件.

溶解度 & 生物利用度

溶解度 and bioavailability are overwhelming challenges in drug development. We have a range of practical, proven approaches for overcoming these barriers. Approximately 40% of all drugs currently on the market, and 90% of the compounds at present in development for future use, 在水中溶解度差. 这导致难以获得足够的, reproducible absorption from the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration. Poor solubility and variable drug absorption are associated with low bioavailability, and ultimately affect the efficacy and safety of the product.

Class 1 (High 溶解度) High 溶解度, High Permeability, Rapid Dissolution. Class 1 drugs do not normally exhibit bioavailability problems. 然而, 从药代动力学的角度来看, a slower but longer-lasting release would sometimes be preferable.

Class 2 (Low 溶解度) Low 溶解度, High Permeability. Class 2 includes the majority of NCEs in the development pipelines. Their solubility in the gastrointestinal tract has to be increased to allow them to be formulated into marketable products

Class 3 (High 溶解度) High 溶解度, Low Permeability. Class 3 drugs are soluble in the gastrointestinal tract but not readily taken up by the body. Permeation enhancing techniques are required to to turn them into clinically effective products

Class 4 (Low 溶解度) High 溶解度, Low Permeability. Class 4 contains substances that neither dissolve nor penetrate physiological barriers to enter the body. 它们通常不会进一步发展, although they may have some application when used with pro-drugs.

Our unparalleled range of technologies designed to increase the solubility or permeability of drug compounds have applications throughout the development process, 从最早的阶段到商业化. 在免版税的基础上提供,它们包括:


Adjustment of the pH value for increasing the water solubility of ionisable compounds.



Where drugs exhibit reduced bioavailability due to poor solubility, the cause is often intrinsically linked with particle size.



Solid dispersions work by dispersing the poorly-soluble drug within a highly soluble solid hydrophilic matrix.



Highly experienced in identifying the most suitable lipid excipients for the challenges of dispersion, 溶解或消化


而亲脂系统, 固体分散体, particle size reduction and pH control are the principal techniques used to overcome solubility difficulties, 我们有很多其他的方法, 比如下面这些, which we use where they will offer results that more closely meet the needs of our clients.


We have a wide range of other solubilisation approaches.



Talk directly to the Quay staff - Our dedicated team leaders are ready to listen and help with your project.
